Arduino Tutorials

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
There are many variants of Arduino boards available in the market.The boards can be built by hand or purchased preassembled; the software can be downloaded for free. The hardware reference designs (CAD files) are available under an open-source license, you are free to adapt them to your needs.

Tutorial description and links

Chapter Zero:Introduction to the Arduino system, Basic digital outputs, Lots of blinking LEDs!
Chapter One :learn about electricity, the for loop, random numbers, pulse-width modulation, fun with RGB LEDs , reading analogue inputs, building a voltmeter
Chapter Two : sensing temperature with the Analog Devices TMP36, sending data back to the host PC with the serial outputs ,libraries, using parallel LCD screens, building a digital thermometer
Chapter Three: controlling relays to switch heavy current loads, creating your own functions ,interrupts, having lots of fun with servos, building an analogue electronic thermometer

Chapter Four :learning about binary numbers, getting more output pins using the 74HC595 shift register , making noises with buzzers and sounds with speakers, understanding arrays, building a temperature data logger
Chapter Five:Controlling more than one 74HC595 shift register , Using 7-segment LED displays ,We examine and hack a remote control toy car in order to control it with an Arduino, learn some more functions ,build a binary quiz game , testing your ability to convert binary to base-10
Chapter Six: Using 4-digit 7-segment LED display modules with shift registers, Examining the Sharp infra-red distance sensor , Making our first protoshield, build a device to display values from an analogue sensor
Chapter Six :more about using 4-digit 7-segment LED display modules
Chapter Seven:Hexadecimal numbers, Binary-coded decimal numbers, the switch-case function ,introduction to the I2C bus (two wire interface) ,Using the Maxim DS1307 real time clock IC ,make our own digital clocks!
Chapter Eight :Some more timing with the Maxim DS1307 ,receive user input via the serial monitor box ,control physical movement with the serial input data ,make our own analogue clock!
Chapter Nine :Blink more LEDs with an 8x8 LED matrix display module ,Spend some time considering user interfaces with our projects ,create a function to use a potentiometer to return a number in a desired range of numbers (0~x), implement a user-interface on the digital clock from Chapter Seven ,build our own digital alarm clock!
Chapter Ten:Creating a minimal Arduino board using a bootrom , Using Arduino to control a relay with an on/off timer , build our own dual timer control system with various timing options
Chapter Eleven: Start using wireless data link modules ,Control digital pins remotely using wireless ,Investigate rotary encoders
Chapter Twelve: More about rotary encoders ,Using common-anode LED display modules , Create a button board, Start the series of making a prototype into a product
Chapter Thirteen :examine piezoelectric buzzers ,continue with our alarm clock, adding a snooze function ,using wireless radio modules to create some remote control systems and sending various data over the airwaves.
blinky -the one eyed clock: an Arduino-based project of interest
Chapter Fourteen: A detailed yet simple introduction to using the XBee wireless data transceivers with Arduino projects.
Chapter Fifteen :A beginner's guide to RFID with Arduino! We build RFID tag/card readers, RFID control systems, and an RFID data logger with time, date and so on.
Chapter Sixteen :Getting started with using ethernet and Arduino.
Chapter Seventeen :Getting started with using GPS receivers and Arduino.
Chapter Eighteen: Start playing with RGB LED matrix units
Electronic Dice: An Arduino-based project of interest
Adding a real-time clock to the TwentyTen Arduino-compatible board
Chapter Nineteen:More about GPS
Chapter Twenty: Arduino and the I2C bus. We learn the basics of reading and writing data to various I2C devices, in preparation for future tutorials.
Chapter Twenty-one: More on Arduino and the I2C bus, including I/O expanders and EEPROM use
AjSmart Tehnology geek

Sole blogger :(

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