There are many variants of Arduino boards available in the market.The boards can be built by hand or purchased preassembled; the software can be downloaded for free. The hardware reference designs (CAD files) are available under an open-source license, you are free to adapt them to your needs.
Tutorial description and links
Chapter Zero:Introduction to the Arduino system, Basic digital outputs, Lots of blinking LEDs!Chapter One :learn about electricity, the for loop, random numbers, pulse-width modulation, fun with RGB LEDs , reading analogue inputs, building a voltmeter
Chapter Two : sensing temperature with the Analog Devices TMP36, sending data back to the host PC with the serial outputs ,libraries, using parallel LCD screens, building a digital thermometer
Chapter Three: controlling relays to switch heavy current loads, creating your own functions ,interrupts, having lots of fun with servos, building an analogue electronic thermometer
Chapter Four :learning about binary numbers, getting more output pins using the 74HC595 shift register , making noises with buzzers and sounds with speakers, understanding arrays, building a temperature data logger
Chapter Five:Controlling more than one 74HC595 shift register , Using 7-segment LED displays ,We examine and hack a remote control toy car in order to control it with an Arduino, learn some more functions ,build a binary quiz game , testing your ability to convert binary to base-10
Chapter Six: Using 4-digit 7-segment LED display modules with shift registers, Examining the Sharp infra-red distance sensor , Making our first protoshield, build a device to display values from an analogue sensor
Chapter Six :more about using 4-digit 7-segment LED display modules
Chapter Seven:Hexadecimal numbers, Binary-coded decimal numbers, the switch-case function ,introduction to the I2C bus (two wire interface) ,Using the Maxim DS1307 real time clock IC ,make our own digital clocks!
Chapter Eight :Some more timing with the Maxim DS1307 ,receive user input via the serial monitor box ,control physical movement with the serial input data ,make our own analogue clock!
Chapter Nine :Blink more LEDs with an 8x8 LED matrix display module ,Spend some time considering user interfaces with our projects ,create a function to use a potentiometer to return a number in a desired range of numbers (0~x), implement a user-interface on the digital clock from Chapter Seven ,build our own digital alarm clock!
Chapter Ten:Creating a minimal Arduino board using a bootrom , Using Arduino to control a relay with an on/off timer , build our own dual timer control system with various timing options
Chapter Eleven: Start using wireless data link modules ,Control digital pins remotely using wireless ,Investigate rotary encoders
Chapter Twelve: More about rotary encoders ,Using common-anode LED display modules , Create a button board, Start the series of making a prototype into a product
Chapter Thirteen :examine piezoelectric buzzers ,continue with our alarm clock, adding a snooze function ,using wireless radio modules to create some remote control systems and sending various data over the airwaves.
blinky -the one eyed clock: an Arduino-based project of interest
Chapter Fourteen: A detailed yet simple introduction to using the XBee wireless data transceivers with Arduino projects.
Chapter Fifteen :A beginner's guide to RFID with Arduino! We build RFID tag/card readers, RFID control systems, and an RFID data logger with time, date and so on.
Chapter Sixteen :Getting started with using ethernet and Arduino.
Chapter Seventeen :Getting started with using GPS receivers and Arduino.
Chapter Eighteen: Start playing with RGB LED matrix units
Electronic Dice: An Arduino-based project of interest
Adding a real-time clock to the TwentyTen Arduino-compatible board
Chapter Nineteen:More about GPS
Chapter Twenty: Arduino and the I2C bus. We learn the basics of reading and writing data to various I2C devices, in preparation for future tutorials.
Chapter Twenty-one: More on Arduino and the I2C bus, including I/O expanders and EEPROM use
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