How to Install NS-3 in Linux and Configure it with Eclipse


Installation Steps:


1)Install the Required Software:

Open terminal and type the following commands
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ python
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ python python-dev
sudo apt-get install mercurial
sudo apt-get install bzr
sudo apt-get install gdb valgrind
sudo apt-get install gsl-bin libgsl0-dev libgsl0ldbl
sudo apt-get install flex bison
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install tcpdump
sudo apt-get install sqlite sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
sudo apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-dev
sudo apt-get install vtun lxc
sudo apt-get install uncrustify
sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz imagemagick
sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-pdf texlive-latex-extra texlive-generic-extra texlive-generic-recommended
sudo apt-get install python-pygraphviz python-kiwi python-pygoocanvas libgoocanvas-dev

2) Create Directory for Installation

mkdir repos
cd repos

3) Download and Build NS3

hg clone
cd ns-3-allinone
./ -n ns-3.9 -r ns-3.9-ref-traces
cd ns-3.9
./waf configure

4) Download Eclipse

Download Eclipse for C/C++ for linux

5) Install mercurial eclipse plugin

Go to help->software update
Click on available software
Click on add a site
Add “ ” 
then click on installimage

6) Making Clone of NS3 in eclipse

Select: New –> Other (Pic Shown )
Select Mercurial-> Clone repository Using Mercurial

imageMention the repository address as
“ ”
in case you want to have different versions of the NS-3 you need to define the Clone directory name ,  In the figure I chose ns-3.7-dev

7) Convert the project to C++ project

Since the folder is not know as a C++ project it is necessary to be converted to so right click on project name and select: new -> convert to a C/C++ project the rest of settings should be same as picture below:

8) Configure the build system

We know that build system for NS-3 is Waf, So we need to change the build configuration from build/make to Waf. so right click on project and select the properties then choose the “C/C++ Build”.
In the “Builder setup” choose “External Builder
Remove the check from “Use default build command
change “Build command” to ${workspace_loc:/ns-3.7-dev/waf}

Behaviour setting
in Behavior tab, clear both “Build on resource save (Auto save)” and “Build (Incremental build)

Now apply it . And build the project.
AjSmart Tehnology geek

Sole blogger :(


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